
Friday, November 25, 2011

Family Time... and Yummy Food

This past week has been busy, sad, crazy, busy, fun, and YUMMY! Last Saturday Matt and I and the girls drove up to McCall for the day. On the way up there we came around a corner and found a crash between a truck and a small car. We pulled over and I got out to help. I immediately jumped into the   of the car and held on to the passenger. The driver of the car and the passenger were students at U of I and were driving down for the holidays. It was a blizzard out and by the time help got there I had been holding this girl for 1.5 hrs. As the ambulance pulled away and Matt and I continued up to McCall I was sick to my stomach for these girls well being. Well on Sunday while at work I was informed that the girl I had tried so hard to help had died during the night. I was heartbroken. I really don't even know how to explain how I truly felt, I have been on bad calls working on the ambulance, but this was different. It was unexpected and I didn't plan on helping anyone that day. So the beginning of this week just sort of stunk. I know I did everything I could but I just hurt for her family, her friends, and the man who couldn't avoid hitting the car.

On a happier note, Wednesday we went to Matt's mom's house, and had prime rib and twice baked potatoes for dinner. Two of my very favorite things. It was fun to spend time with that part of the family. Then yesterday we went to Matt's uncles house to enjoy a turkey dinner. It was fun to all be together for the afternoon and to stuff our faces with yummy food.

One last photo of the girls playing today! Sister love! Madi was playing dress ups and brought out a hat for Natalie to wear! I love them! :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wow only 29 days!

I can't believe Matt graduates in 29 days. Things have just been crazy around our house! I am so excited to say that November 30th will be my last day of work. I get to be a stay at home mom to my beautiful crazy girls! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Our lives are about to change for the better and I can't wait to start our next chapter. So here is a couple pictures, more to come later! The first picture is Grandma Dottie Basye and Natalie on Halloween.  The picture of Madi is at a park in Donnelly. I am editing more pictures to come these have not been edited.